Dear LaSalle community -
I want to give you a report on our 2024 Pledge season and send my sincere thanks to all who prayerfully considered and responded to our invitation to give.
Many of you responded with ways that you intend to give of your presence, time, and talents in this coming year - we thank you!
Many of you responded with financial commitments - and you completely blew our goal of 10 increased and 10 new pledges out of the water! To date, we have received 34 increased pledges and 11 new pledges for 2024, resulting in over 100k of new income pledged! We also heard from many who are continuing to pledge at their same rates, or giving in other ways - to you we also give our deep thanks!
I want to thank everyone for your faithful response to this invitation! I also want to thank our Finance Director Deb, Exec. Pastor Randall, and the Property and Finance Committee for all their work during this intense and valuable budgeting season we are in - we thank God for you! Praise God for the ways that we each together have the privilege of being part of the Holy Spirit's movement in this church together as we begin a new year, during a new season, following the same good and generous God.
You'll be hearing more about our vision, budget and finances, and all that God is doing in our midst in these next few weeks during our preparations for the Congregational Meeting Feb 4th - you're invited to join us as we look ahead and prepare for this coming season of life together.
With deep thanks for the One who can do more then we could ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us
- Rev Liz