Welcome to Kids Ministry
We’re excited to meet your child and encourage them in their journey of spiritual growth and finding their place in the church community. Our dedicated staff and leaders are trained under our Pastor of Formation, use a thoughtfully designed curriculum, and rely on a combination of Bible-centered and creative experiences to help kids learn the basics of loving Jesus, knowing justice, and being able to bring all of who they are to church. Explore the diverse opportunities that await your child as we partner together in laying a strong foundation for their faith and belonging at LaSalle!
If you’re new to LaSalle, be sure to sign up your child on Sunday morning at the registration table in the church lobby and check the sign for where to go that morning. You can also reach out to our Pastor of Formation, Rev Alicia Vela Anderson with any questions.
Child care during worship for kids ages 0-3
For our youngest children, LaSalle offers childcare spaces during our Sunday worship time: the church nursery is open for infants and toddlers up to three years old in the lower level of our church building
Nursery care is provided by our loving and highly skilled paid nursery staff, and there are always a minimum of two adults present in the nursery rooms. Pre-registration for our nursery is not required — just drop off your children in the 30 minutes before our service begins, and pick them up from the same room within 15 minutes after our service ends.
On mornings when there is programming after service, childcare will be provided either in the Lower Level of the church or in Cornerstone room 200.
Kid’s Church
Mid-service lessons during worship for kids ages 3-6
We understand that worship is a very important of faith development for our children — it helps them feel belonging to the larger community and teaches them the patterns of worship. We also know that sitting through a sermon can be very hard for younger children. Our mid-service Children’s Church program allows us to bridge this gap: during Sunday worship, we invite all children ages 3-6 to begin in the sanctuary with their parents or guardians. During the service, we will pray for and dismiss our children to head to the lower level with our trained volunteers, and participate in a short lesson and activity during the sermon. Parents can pick them up from the lower level within 15 minutes after our service ends.
On mornings when there is programming after service, childcare will be provided either in the Lower Level of the church or in Cornerstone room 200.
Sunday School & WeBelong
Classes for grade-school children on Belong Sundays
On Banquet and Belong Sundays, our elementary kids are invited to their class time during the service. On Banquet Sundays, kids will head over to Cornerstone Center room 300 for Sunday School. Sunday School is a space for our kids to dive deeper into Bible stories and learn in community, deepening their biblical knowledge. Sunday School also meets on Belong Sundays from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the same room.
On Belong Sundays, we offer a class called WeBelong geared towards kids in grades 1-3 to help them understand worship rhythms and why we do what we do on Sunday mornings. This class meets during the sermon and kids return to service to partake in Communion with their families.
Welcome to LSC’s Youth Ministry
At LaSalle, we're not just inviting youth to be part of our community; we're empowering them to become integral leaders in shaping it. Our Youth Ministry is a dynamic space where young minds are encouraged to explore their faith, cultivate their passions, and make a lasting impact.
Worshiping in community is a large part of faith development for teenagers. For that reason, youth are invited to be in service with their families or sit together in the pews. Youth are also invited to help lead us by using their gifts on our Sunday morning teams.
Our Youth Group meets on Banquet and Belong Sundays from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM in Cornerstone Center room 308. During Youth Group, there will be snacks, games, and a time of connection and learning about God, one another, and processing the world around us.
At LaSalle, we firmly believe in equipping the next generation not just to follow, but to confidently lead, embodying their faith through action. Join us on this inspiring journey of personal growth, service, and faith-filled leadership. Youth Group will also be the place where our youth discover their passions and be invited to lead our Serve Sundays or within our services.
To learn more about during the week online gatherings, in-person events, and more, reach out to our Pastor of Formation Rev Alicia Vela Anderson.