Hey hey LaSalle! As our sanctuary warms up for summer, I wanted to share two critical reminders relevant to our annual meeting coming up on June 2:

Confirm Your Information on Church Center

We’re currently in process transitioning to a new online database and directory system, Church Center. The staff has already started to see the benefits of being on Church Center with some communication improvements and new features for groups! We need your help to ensure that all your information has been transferred correctly from our previous platform Breeze – so head here to follow the step-by-step instructions to confirm your information, and reach out to me with any questions or concerns. This is especially important to confirm before our Annual Meeting, since our membership list for the vote will be managed through Church Center! Make sure you’re confirmed in Church Center to take part in the vote.

What We’re Covering at the Annual Meeting

Our Annual Meeting will take place in the sanctuary after service on Sunday, June 2, from 11:30 - 12:30 PM, with a community banquet to be hosted afterward in Leslie Hall. During the meeting, we’ll be thanking our outgoing elders who have come to the end of their respective terms, and voting as a church body on two important proposals: confirming our new slate of incoming Elder Board members, and voting on an amendment to our church by-laws, extending Elder Board term limits to three years. There will be time in the meeting to hear more about our incoming Elder Board slate and ask questions, but if you’d like to vote now (because you can’t be at the meeting in person or just to ‘check it off the list’), feel free to vote online! There you can review the full text of the amendment and check out some short bios from our incoming Elder Board members. Voting online goes through your account on Church Center – so make sure your information on Church Center is confirmed before voting!

Thank you for participating in our church life and speaking into the future leadership of LSC! We look forward to seeing you on June 2, whether in person or online, as we continue to grow and serve together.