Director of Outreach & Advocacy Julie Welborn
Expansive Faith, Generous Community, Invested in God’s Justice!
This is who we say we are and what we strive to reflect. From what took place this past Sunday, I’d say we hit a home run.
Our Serve Sunday began service rooting us in our faith that reminded us that we need one another to survive; that we are called to pray for one another; and that our words don’t bring harm, but love. Our scripture text shared the story of Jesus and his disciples feeding the 5 thousand and how there was an abundance available.
I had the wonderful honor to share a bit about 2 of our outreach ministries - Senior Market and Breaking Bread. I anchored our conversation in the scripture from 2 Corinthians 8:13a-14 that states: “Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality. At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality.”
I believe authentic ministry is serving others. Service is not just about one party’s needs being met - it’s an exchange. Both party’s needs are met. What you have, I may not. And what I have, you may not. But when we connect in community, our generosity allows everyone to have what they need. And that’s true equality, a tangible manifestation of God’s justice.
We were privileged to hear from Keith Richardson, Supervisor of the kitchen, current Cornerstone Children’s Learning Center and Childtime Cook, former chef for Breaking Bread, and backup cook for Breaking Bread, custodian and front desk clerk He shared a few nuggets of his history at LaSalle and how his life was transformed by serving others. We also heard from Francis Little, the current Service Coordinator of both Senior Market and Breaking Bread, with an invitation to all to come out and join us on a Tuesday or Wednesday as we serve and connect with the community.
The congregation was then broken into groups to begin our work of service. Some prepared hygiene kits to be passed out, some served as food preparers and servers, and others served as table hosts. Our children and youth set the tables, passed out orange juice and coffee and were on hand to meet the needs of our guests.
We almost doubled the number of guests served in comparison to our last Serve Sunday. The word got out that we were providing breakfast and fellowship, and the people showed up.
It was such an amazing sight and day - one could hardly distinguish between the servers and guests. And that’s the point! We were truly a Community on Sunday.
Thank you to everyone who showed up and served in whatever capacity that was needed.