This Sunday, November 5, marks a special occasion in the life of LaSalle Street Church. It is the Sunday we will gather together to formally install Reverend Liz Mosbo VerHage as Senior Pastor of our congregation.

Arriving at this particular Sunday in November has been a journey. Journeys can feel, at times. too slow and at others too fast. They can be exhilarating and also a bit daunting. This journey was no exception.

A team of explorers, led by Amber Johnsen and Faith Bonecutter, set off on a search. As they planned and prepared, they sought the wise counsel of Tom Dickelman; a man of faith with perspective and experience he’d bring to bear. They sought feedback from this congregation; listening carefully to discern the needs of all those who were eager to share. They cast a wide net; seeking candidates who had a commitment to God’s calling, a broad vision for the church, and the leadership skills to weave both dreams and people together. After months of contributing their time and talents, and walking together in faith, this search committee found what they were seeking.

If you’re reading this, then I’m fairly certain you already know what happened next in this story. Early this summer we gathered together and decided as a body that Re Rev Liz would be called to serve as the new Senior Pastor of LaSalle. Over these past months, we have been learning from her and invited by her into building a more than enough church. A church where there is always more room at the table for those who aren’t yet here. An invitation to travel on a new journey together.

But before we go, there are a few steps remaining to complete what the search committee began.

  • This Sunday morning’s service will be the official rite of installation in which Reverend Liz Mosbo VerHage will be publicly placed into her role as Senior Pastor. The installation service creates an opportunity for Rev Liz to state her commitments to this church and for us to name our support of her. It is a liturgical and spiritual opportunity for us to recognize God’s hand in shaping all that has and will continue to transpire within our community of faith.

  • Following the service, we will have a chance to formally welcome the VerHage family into our broader church family as we gather for our Banquet Sunday in Leslie Hall.

  • During the post-service meal, we will also have an opportunity to recognize and thank our search committee for the work that made this day possible.

In my experience, rituals matter. The moments we take to celebrate rites of passage are etched into our memories. I can still remember the church steps where I stood with my confirmation class and also, the color pattern of the dress I wore that day. Whenever I hear the hymn that was sung at our wedding, I think of the sound of my dear friend’s voice leading us through it. Rituals matter.

This ritual of installation will matter to us. It will be a moment for us to recall. A moment signifying a new chapter in the ongoing story of this church. As our website says, “a church that is non-denominational, non-traditional, non-mega, not easily labeled and not done yet”.

Let’s celebrate together as we continue to build and dream together.

Grace and peace…(and an extra hour of sleep)
