Church Center
Frequently Asked Questions
Have an additional question about Church Center not covered here? Email Lucas!
Church Center uses Stripe to process payments, which is the same payment processor and security level as Breeze! This is the safest way to give electronically, but if you still feel uncomfortable giving online you can set up a transfer directly with your bank or give via cash or check in-person. Contact Katie Keilman with any questions or for additional help. You can also opt to manually enter your banking information each month or every time you want to give, and that information will not be saved by Stripe or Church Center.
You can find recurring gifts set up through your Church Center profile by navigating to your profile on Church Center and selecting the ‘My Giving’ tab. There, you will find tab with any recurring gifts, as well as your donation history (including one-time gifts), the payment methods you have stored in Church Center, and other financial information.
The directory will go live in May! You’ll receive a separate email with instructions.
By default, information in your Church Center profile is not included in the church directory – you must ‘opt in’ and confirm you want to share your information in the directory. Once you’ve opted in (and the directory is live), other people within LSC’s Church Center will be able to see your profile picture, your birthday (not including the year), and will have the ability to initiate contact over email (but Church Center does not share your email address openly – individuals will only be able to see your email if you reply).
You are welcome to share as much contact & personally identifying information as you feel comfortable! Only other LaSallers on Church Center will be able to access the information you’ve approved to be public – but sharing information publicly to the LaSalle community is not a requirement or expectation.
You are welcome to share as much contact & personally identifying information as you feel comfortable! Only other LaSallers on Church Center will be able to access the information you’ve approved to be public – but sharing information publicly to the LaSalle community is not a requirement or expectation.
We are continuing to support our previous church database platform, Breeze, until the end of June – but once our service ends, church members will no longer be able to access their Breeze accounts. Per Breeze’s documentation, they will begin removing all information from our congregation on Breeze when our contract expires – but for extra security, you may want to remove your giving payment method(s) or contact information before the end of June.