Upcoming Book Discussion - “Woke Racism” by John McWhorter
Meeting over zoom March 8, 15, annd 22 at 7:00 PM CentraL
You are invited to participate in a discussion of John McWhorter's new book "Woke Racism" on 3 consecutive Tuesday evenings in March. John McWhorter teaches linguistics and philosophy at Columbia University and has written several books on race issues. If you would like to join the discussion, please contact Tim Huizenga at thuizenga@yahoo.com.
At LaSalle Street Church we have discussed several books on race issues over the last few years, most of which come out of an "anti-racist" perspective. McWhorter is a leading proponent of a different view on race relations and critiques the "anti-racist" viewpoint in this book. We will look at both perspectives in our discussion and seek to determine the foundation for the divergent points of view, in light of our understanding of the gospel.